You seriously changed our lives!
I'm sipping wine while my girls are sound asleep. Two weeks ago I would have laughed if someone said this was possible!
-Christen C. , Tampa, FL

The Toddler
Power Struggle
is Real!
Power struggles with toddlers go on all.day.long.
But nighttime is the WORST!
Bedtime takes hours of struggling to get your kid to stay in their room and go to sleep.
You feel like a prisoner in their room when all you want to do is have a moment of time to yourself!
Middle of the night wake ups feel like sleep torture.
And a tiny human starts invading your bed and karate chopping you in the middle of the night!
My goal is simple.
Put YOU back in charge of sleep.
Imagine if you were DONE with your kiddo by 7:00 or 7:30 at night.
I mean DONE.
Like out of their room and not hearing from them until the morning.
Sound like a dream?
I'm a busy mom who needs her 8 hours of sleep! As the mom to two amazing little girls, I realized just how important sleep was to me when I wasn't getting any! When you're struggling with your 3 year old's sleep or your 4 year old has sleep problems, no one in the house sleeps well.
That's why I got certified as a child sleep consultant and developed the R.E.S.T Method which has helped thousands of moms solve their toddler sleep problems.

Hey there, I'm Jessica!
My daughter's not sleeping in our bed anymore!

Getting our daughter to bed was taking hours! By the time we got her to bed, we were so stressed out that we didn’t even want to talk to each other! Then she started waking up and coming into our bed and I knew we needed to make a change.
If you are truly looking for a change, this is the program for you! Jessica lays everything out for you. Within a couple of days my daughter was falling asleep within 20 mins! And she's not sleeping in our bed anymore. I couldn’t be happier and know this is exactly what we needed.”
- Brooke P.
After one week with Jessica, we've seen AMAZING results!