How to Get A Toddler To Sleep: Latest Episodes
3 Best Ways to Calm Your Kid Down for Bedtime
Today let’s talk about ways to calm your kid down before bedtime. It’s a problem that every parent has faced - hyperactive toddlers at bedtime!
What can you do to help your child calm down???
Let’s dive into my 3 TOP TIPS for getting kids to sleep.
My Stubborn Kid Won’t Nap! | Toddler Sleep Training
Help! My stubborn kid won’t nap. As kids move into the toddler/preschooler stage, they can get more stubborn than before. This can make toddler sleep training tough!
Suddenly, your 2 or 3 year old decides they are no longer going to take a nap. There’s way more fun stuff to do than sleep! 🤸♂️
Listen to the end to make sure you hear all these great ideas to get your toddler nap schedule back on track.
Afraid of the Dark? How to Help Kids Overcome Fear
Are your kids afraid of the dark? Being scared of the dark is common. Here’s how to help kids overcome fear and be confident, solo sleepers.
3 Reasons Your Toddler Doesn’t Sleep Well | Awesome Little Sleepers
Toddler sleep problems really aren’t complicated when you know what to look for. If your toddler just doesn’t sleep well, there are typically 3 main reasons why. And you can start TONIGHT to fix them!
The most common toddler sleep problems are bedtime drama like stalling or neediness… kids being scared of something or everything AND waking you up in the middle of the night… or maybe multiple times.
So, why won’t your toddler sleep? Especially when you know how tired they must be!
Let’s dive into them so you can get started fixing them!
3 Hacks to Speed Up Your Evenings
Here are 3 hacks to speed up the evening so bedtime can happen earlier and more peacefully.
Toddler Meltdowns, Tantrums, BIG Emotions | with Danielle Bettmann
Today is a special episode. I will be discussing toddler meltdowns, tantrums, and the BIG EMOTIONS young kids experience with parenting coach, Danielle Bettmann, from Parenting Wholeheartedly.
Danielle is a parenting coach who helps the parents of strong-willed children like their kids again. 💗 She is the founder of PARENTING WHOLEHEARTEDLY and has a podcast called FAILING MOTHERHOOD, full of great parenting tips and relatable stories.
So if you deal with big emotions from your child at all times of day, not just bedtime, listen to this episode.
Is It Too Late to Sleep Train Your Toddler? | Sleep Training Tips
Is it too late to sleep train your toddler? Nope!
In this episode, I’m going to share 3 sleep training tips to teach you why I think sleep training can actually be easier with older kids.
There’s 3 reasons why sleep training is not only POSSIBLE but IMPORTANT for older kids.
✨ Make sure to stick around for tip no. 3 to learn how sleep training can improve your relationship with your child.
Toddler Daycare Naps Ruin Bedtime | Awesome Little Sleepers
Do toddler daycare naps ruin bedtime in your home?
Perhaps your toddler has stopped napping on the weekends and goes to bed at night pretty well. But your child is napping at daycare during the weekdays, and suddenly, bedtime has become a disaster!
Your sleep training needs a reboot.
When kids transition away from taking naps, it feels like it throws their whole sleep schedule out of whack. It can be the cause of several toddler sleep problems.
I hear this complaint from families all the time. When their child naps at daycare during the week, bedtime is impossible. But on the weekend, with no nap, sleep training, and bedtime, is much easier.
Listen on for tips to help your toddler become an awesome little sleeper.
How to Stop Your Kid From Coming Into Parents’ Bed | Sleep Training
It might seem impossible to learn how to stop your kid from coming into parents’ bed. Sleep training can be hard sometimes.
Your kid is happily asleep in their own cozy room. Suddenly, it’s 2am and they’re climbing into YOUR bed.
Why the heck are they waking up and coming to sleep with you? They were fine?!
Whether your kid is super sneaky about getting in your bed, or you’re just too tired to deal with taking them back to their room, let’s figure out what’s going on and help you keep your child in bed at night.
3 Common Toddler Sleep Training Mistakes to AVOID (How to Fix Them)
If you’re in the middle of toddler sleep training and you’re trying to get your 3, 4, or 5-year-old to fall asleep alone and stay in their own bed all night… you may be making one of these common mistakes.
I bet your kid keeps popping out of bed after lights out for a million unnecessary things or they’re trying to crawl in your bed at 2 am… 🥴
Many families find themselves in an awful but familiar dance at bedtime or during the night.
Listen to this podcast to learn if you’re making one of these 3 very common sleep training mistakes AND learn how to fix them.
Top 5 SLEEP TIPS for Travel with a Toddler
When traveling you might just have your family of 4 shoved into one hotel room or the guest room at your in-laws house.
Good luck sleeping! 🙃
Now, if sleep is already a challenge for your child at home, traveling can really make things even more difficult.
The goal is to keep your family happy while also preventing major disruptions to your toddler’s sleep schedule or routine.
Help Toddler Separation Anxiety at Bedtime | TRY THIS!!!
I’m going to show you my favorite book as well as an easy, sweet project to do with your children to help relieve some of that separation anxiety.
The concept of this book is that we are NEVER truly alone - that we are always connected to our loved one with an invisible string of love.
Have you ever read this book? What’s your MUST-HAVE bedtime book to read to your kids?