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Awesome Little Sleepers


I know how you feel when your baby isn't sleeping well - frustrated, exhausted, confused. At bedtime, you might spend what seems like forever doing everything possible to get your baby to sleep and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Or maybe your baby usually goes down easily but your routine just stopped working... Or maybe your baby just started waking up again during the night... Or waking up too early... Or just stopped taking naps... Or just started waking after 45 minutes of sleep...


One thing is certain...

When it comes to sleep habits of kids under the age of 6, the only thing constant is change.


My sleep training philosophy is centered around being a great educator and an equally great listener. I will work with you to develop a custom sleep plan for your infant or toddler based on their development age and biological sleep rhythms. We will discuss techniques that align with your parenting style and I will ensure that you feel confident every step of the way with my full support. All I ask from you is partnership and commitment.

My goal is to help you and your family get the sleep they need.

You and your sleeping child will quickly become the envy of all your friends!

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