Do you know your kid’s currency? No, I'm not talking about $$
Do you know what makes you kid tick? I mean what really motivates them?
What they want more than anything else?
Oh, it’s SO key that you can put your finger on this!
I call this their currency.

Is it attention from you? Candy? Money? Screen time? Hugs? Playing outside? Cooking project? Movie night?
It could be anything – every kid is different.
Getting crystal clear on their currency puts you in a position of authority. It gives you… ultimate control. Cue evil Austin Powers laugh 🙃
Armed with this knowledge, you can kick most any behaviors that you don’t like to the curb.
Use their currency to build the most motivating positive (and negative) consequences!
- Set clear expectations with your kids
- Outline the rewards (or consequence)
- Follow through
- Drop mic and celebrate your badass mom self
For my oldest, it’s screen time. The girl is full-on addicted to TV.
Last week, after a rough (understatement) day, I had no choice but to say the words I only reserve for the worst offenses.
--Because it feels like a punishment for me too! Especially during a national quarantine!--
I told her “No TV for the entire day tomorrow”
There were tears. Oh boy were there tears… and apologies… and begging.
But the damage was done.
And I followed through with it for the entire next day. [Which, yes, felt like an eternity if you were wondering.]
But you know what miracle occurred that day.
She behaved.