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What is the REST Method®? | A Fresh Approach for How To Sleep Train a Toddler

Jessica Berk

Have you ever met another mom whose kids go to bed early and never wake up, leaving you wondering “How the hell is she doing that?” To you, it feels impossible that that could be someone’s reality.

And truthfully, that’s how most parents feel before they learn about the REST Method®. So, what is the REST Method, and what makes it so effective for 3-6 year-olds? Let me explain…


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Yes, you can sleep train a toddler with the REST Method®

Since getting certified as a pediatric sleep consultant nine years ago, I've dedicated myself to empowering parents with tools to create peaceful evenings and well-rested kids. This mission is personal to me, because I’ve been there. I’ve lived the nightmare of a tough-as-nails 3-year-old refusing to get in bed or turning into a limp noodle at the mere mention of putting on PJs. My lived experience is what started it all. 

The overlooked struggle: babies aren’t the only ones who need sleep training

There’s plenty of talk in the parenting world about sleep for babies. But after kids turn 3, sleep support falls off the radar. Even pediatricians stop asking about sleep around the 3-year visit. What, do people just think that now that they’re older that things must be going just fine? Well, that was NOT my experience! And since you’re reading this, I’m guessing it’s not your experience, either. 

That’s why I created the REST Method. First, selfishly, to get my own 3-year-old sleeping again.   Then, once I figured out what worked, it became my mission to help all the parents who are in the same boat. 

As kids grow into their toddler and preschool years, they develop a fierce sense of independence and desire for control that can throw us parents off our game. You know what I mean: suddenly refusing to wear a coat when it’s 30F outside, demanding “I do it” for literally everything (which makes the simplest task take forever), rejecting your help when they’re climbing something tall at the playground. Unfortunately, this independent phase often coincides with the time that kids are moving out of the crib and into a big kid bed. 


So, just when they’re starting to try and assert more control over their lives, they become uncaged! Free at night to run out of their room, free to try and climb in bed with you, free to try things you may have never seen before. You throw any baby sleep training methods you may have tried before out the window, because this new wild child doesn’t resemble the 6-month-old you sleep trained before. 

Why the REST Method® Works

So, what is the REST Method and why does it work so well?

The REST Method® stands out because it’s designed specifically for older kids - kids 2.5 up to 8 years old. The foundation of this method considers your child’s developmental stage and needs. That child that you call “strong-willed”, “stubborn” or “relentless” is exactly who this is designed for. The REST Method takes your child’s desire for autonomy and their independent spirit into account. It shows you that you have more power than you know to shape your child’s sleep behavior. And how to recognize and harness that power and use it for good! 

After using the REST Method, the end result is a child who feels heard and respected, who gets to exhibit a healthy amount of control within parentally-set boundaries, who goes to bed on time and sleeps 10-12 hours through the night. And it’s the only method out there designed specifically for big kids. 

What is the REST Method®?

REST is an acronym. Here's a breakdown of each section in R.E.S.T.:

  1. R: The Right Bedtime

    • Establishing the correct bedtime and sleep schedule is crucial. Does your child still need a nap? What time should they go to bed? What if my kid never seems tired? How much sleep should they be getting? 

    • It's essential to understand the answers to these questions for a couple reasons. 1) So you can be sure your child’s sleep needs are met so they stay healthy and thriving, and 2) Your child will fall asleep much more quickly and easily when you have the right bedtime. We call it the right sleep window. It’s when their body is biologically primed and ready to fall asleep. Many families overlook this, but it’s fundamental to good sleep and can make the nightly bedtime struggle SO much easier to have the timing correct.

  2. E: Excellent Bedtime Routine

    • A simple, consistent and fun bedtime routine is key if you want peaceful evenings. If bedtime feels like chaos right now it’s because one of those things is missing. Is it simple, consistent, fun? Many (dare I say most) toddlers can be masterminds at stalling, or moving at a snail’s pace, turning bedtime into an hour (or longer) ordeal when it doesn’t need to be. The REST Method creates a stall-proof, 15-minute bedtime routine that kids love, with a clear start and finish, making bedtime a quick and enjoyable process.

  3. S: Solo Sleep Strategy

    • Getting your kid comfortable falling asleep independently is the cornerstone of all “sleep training” - from babies all the way up to big kids. When kids don’t need any help in order to fall or stay asleep, that’s when they get the best sleep: sleeping through the night with no wake ups. 

    • So, if your child needs one of the following things more night of the week than not, they are not a solo sleeper:

      1. Needs someone to lay or sit with them while they fall asleep

      2. Needs someone to re-tuck them in, find a paci or a lovey in the middle of the night

      3. Needs someone to pat their back, sing a song or lay with them if they wake up overnight

      4. Needs to sleep with someone in order to stay asleep

    • If you’ve been struggling with this at bedtime or overnight most nights of the week (or even multiple times per night!) then your child needs help learning to be a solo sleeper. 

    • The REST Method shows you exactly how to do this. It offers various strategies to achieve this goal, adaptable to any parenting style so you can have a customized plan that works for you and your child to get them sleeping happily by themselves through the night.

  4. T: Tease A Reward

    • Introducing a small reward can effectively kickstart new behaviors by boosting your child's confidence. Now, you may have tried using rewards before. But if you set goals that are too tough for your kid to reach, they end up feeling discouraged and tend to give up. The REST Method provides guidance on how to use rewards appropriately, setting achievable goals to ensure your child feels accomplished and motivated. At the end of this process, your child will be beaming with pride!

Sleep Training Implementation and Success

When all the pieces of the REST Method® are understood and applied, sleep training a toddler just isn’t a mystery anymore. You’re not looking at other families thinking, “How the hell are your kids going to bed at 7:30pm and sleeping through the night?” You understand why sleep has gotten so messed up at your house. And you have a clear path to fixing it. 

Your child can fall asleep easily by 8pm and enjoy 10-12 hours of sleep with no wake ups. Basically, you turn into that family that everyone is jealous of! The REST Method equips you with practical tools and the step-by-step instructions you need to make this a reality.

Learn More

To take a deeper dive into the REST Method® and see if it’s a good fit for your family, join my free Toddler Sleep Masterclass. You can sign up for a time that suits you but you have to save your spot. Visit See you in class!


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